HighJump Software’s first product, HighJump™ Data Collection Advantage, capitalized on the emergence of affordable radio frequency (RF) technologies to provide the backbone for its customers to deliver increasingly better products and services. Since then, HighJump Software has delivered an array of supply chain execution (SCE) solutions that streamline the flow of inventory and information from source through consumption.
Solutions provided by HighJump Software :
- Warehouse Management -
- ERP Data Collection -
- Transportation Management -
- Delivery Management -
- Manufacturing Execution -
- Supplier Enablement -
Contact Us :
HighJump Software Inc.
6455 City West Parkway
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Telephone : 800.328.3271 (toll free)
Telephone : 952.947.4088
E-mail : info@highjump.com