Saturday, November 15, 2008

Data Warehousing Solutions provider in California, USA - Z Microsystems, Inc.

Z Microsystems, Inc. is shaping the field-ready computing category - a growing segment of the multi-billion dollar worldwide deployable computing market. Focused on the government and DoD, Z Microsystems has applied innovative design capabilities to reinvent commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment such as flat panel displays, computers and mass data storage systems, to enable unprecedented computing possibilities in harsh environments.

Z Microsystems manufactures and delivers entire deployable workstation suites that consist of flat panel displays, storage systems, CPUs, servers, power management systems and traveling desks that enhance and optimize user work performance.

Product overview of Z Microsystems, Inc. :

- Flat Panel Displays
- Servers & Workstations
- Mass Storage Systems
- Transit Case Systems
- Expandable Desks
- Video Capture Products

Contact Us :

Z Microsystems, Inc. - Corporate Headquarters

9830 Summers Ridge Road,
San Diego, California 92121

Phone : (858) 831-7000
Fax : (858) 831-7001