Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Data Management Service provider in USA - Aquila Technologies

Aquila Technologies is an Albuquerque-based business solutions provider specializing in the areas of:

* network and wireless security,
* network health and monitoring,
* directory services,
* identity management and
* IT training.

Aquila Technologies have built a strong reputation as a network integrator that works with customers to ensure a comprehensive, tailored solution. By integrating their business and consulting services with best solutions from industry leaders in network hardware, software and security, Aquila Technologies are able to present a single source network solution to their customers.

Product overview of Aquila Technologies :

- Wireless
- Security
- Network Optimization
- Networking
- Storage
- Encryption

Contact Us :

Aquila Technologies

8429-A Washington Place, NE
Albuquerque, NM 87113

Call : (505) 796-3990
Fax : (505) 797-1719