Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Master Data Management Service Provider - Amalto, USA

Amalto Technologies provides innovative software solutions enabling organizations to manage their master data with minimum effort, simplify B2B exchanges between trading partners and facilitate system integration.

Master Data Management and Transactional Data Management are Amalto’s core competency. Based on innovative technologies, Amalto products deliver greater efficiency and productivity and help turn data into valuable, tangible information. They are ready-to-use or easily configurable, aiming at making complex things simple.

Amalto is providing solutions that matches your needs:

- Process Automation with a B2B Gateway
- Supplier Enablement
- Master Data Management

Amalto's product range :

- b2box for B2B Exchanges & System Integration
- b2een for the roll out of electronic exchanges
- Xtentis MDM for Master Data Management

Contact Us for more details :

Amalto in the USA :

1900 South Norfolk Street
Suite 350
San Mateo, CA 94403
Tel: +1 650 577 2348
Fax: +1 832 213 2363

Amalto in France :

8 rue de l'Isly
75008 Paris
Métro : Saint-Lazare
Tel: +33 (0)8 70 46 82 64
Tel/fax: +33 (0)1 42 93 87 04