Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Strategic Business Intelligence Consultancy based in Zagreb, Croatia

Poslovna Inteligencija provides strategic consulting for business processes and IT infrastructure optimization and services needed for successful design, development and implementation of intelligent information systems for decision support.

Poslovna Inteligencija are completely dedicated to provide th clients best possible service trough mutual engagement in Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Data Integration, Planning & Budgeting, Performance Management, Scorecarding, Consolidation, Risk Management, Customer Relationship Management and Data Mining projects, as a direct contractor or through their partners.

Poslovna Inteligencija providing turnkey solutions in area of -

- Strategic Consultancy
- Business process optimization
- IT infrastructure definition and optimization
- Data and information integration
- Risk Management and Scoring
- Basel II and Compliance

- Decision Support Academy
- BI Workshop

Regional Office Contacts :

Zagreb office:

Poslovna Inteligencija d.o.o.
Zavrtnica 5
Zagreb, HR-10000

Phone: +385 (1) 4617 945
Fax: +385 (1) 4617 946
Email :

Belgrade office:

Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 35
Belgrade 11070

Phone: +381 (11) 2147 479
Fax: +381 (11) 2147 479
Email :